WC ‘Neighbors Are Wild’ Resources
Stephanie Ellis, Executive Director
Wild Care, Inc. 10 Smith Ln. Eastham, MA
Download a printable PDF of this information here
Cape Cod Bird-Related Supplies, Food, and Nest Boxes:
Bird Watcher’s General Store, Orleans: http://www.birdwatchersgeneralstore.com
Brewster Bird House, Brewster: https://www.facebook.com/brewsterbirdhouse
Agway of Cape Cod, Dennis, Chatham, Orleans: https://agwaycapecod.com
Wild Bird Unlimited, South Yarmouth: https://southyarmouth.wbu.com
Snow’s Home and Garden, Orleans, Harwich: https://www.snowscapecod.com
Wildlife Rehabilitation & Resources Near You!
Find a Wildlife Rehabilitator in Massachusetts: https://www.mass.gov/service-details/find-a-wildlife-rehabilitator
Wild Care, Inc., Eastham: www.wildcarecapecod.org
Birdsey Cape Wildlife Center, Barnstable: http://capewildlifecenter.com
Friends of Cape Wildlife: Hotline 508-375-3700, https://www.friendsofcapewildlife.org
Report a stranded marine mammal (living or deceased): IFAW – Marine Mammal Stranding Hotline, 508-743-9548. https://www.ifaw.org/campaigns/strandings
Report a marine mammal or sea turtle entanglement (living or deceased): Center for Coastal Studies, 1-800-900-3622, or hail the USCG on VHF 16. https://bit.ly/30hlRbh
Report a stranded or cold-stunned sea turtle. Mass Audubon Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary: Hotline 508-349-2615 x 6104. https://www.massaudubon.org/get-outdoors/wildlife-sanctuaries/wellfleet-bay/about/our-conservation-work/sea-turtles
Planting a Native Wildlife Garden:
Audubon Native Plants Database:
https://www.audubon.org/native-plants Find native plants for your location (type in your zip code) and which species of birds they may attract.
Guide to Native Plants and Gardening Kremp Florist has a list of resources to native plant gardening, seeding, and planting natives for wildlife.
Reducing Avian Window Strikes:
Wild Care’s recommendations: “Save Birds from Window Strikes” https://www.wildcarecapecod.org/save-birds-from-window-strikes/
American Bird Conservancy: “Stop Birds Hitting Windows” https://abcbirds.org/get-involved/bird-smart-glass/
Cats Indoors:
American Bird Conservancy: “Better for cats, better for birds, better for people”
Catio World: “A Guide to Outdoor Cat Enclosures” https://bit.ly/2ZOyjyX
Cat Goods, Inc.: “The CatBib Stops Cats from Killing Birds: https://catgoods.com//
Just Say NO to Rodenticides:
Wild Care’s recommendations: “Humane Rodent Control Solutions”: https://www.wildcarecapecod.org/wildlife-assistance/humane-rodent-control-solutions/
Raptors are the Solution: https://www.raptorsarethesolution.org
Preferred Pest Control Products, by Raptors Are The Solution: https://www.raptorsarethesolution.org/preferred-pest-control-products/
Natural Rat Repellents, by HomeTipsWorld: https://www.tipsbulletin.com/natural-rat-repellent/
Nest Boxes
Cornell Lab of Ornithology – “Right Bird, Right House”
Select your region and habitat, to determine which types of birds you can attract, and which boxes you need.
Cornell Lab of Ornithology – “How to Make a Safe and Successful Home for our Feathered Friends” (All about nest boxes and nest structure.)
Humane Wildlife Management
Perry Le Pews Wildlife Management Company, Marston’s Mills: http://perrylepews.com “Ultra humane capture and release of wildlife”, “wildlife exclusion”.
Wild Care in the Cape Cod Times!
Turtle Shell Repair, Seabird Therapy Pool: How this Eastham Org Rescues Cape Cod Wildlife.
13 December, 2024
Enter to Win a Holiday Basket through Dec 13th
10 December, 2024
Nauset HS Wildlife Jewelry Fundraiser
31 December, 2024
Give Chocolate and Help Save Wildlife this Holiday Season
Wild Care has a state-of-the-art seabird therapy pool, which allows seabirds and waterfowl to exercise on running water. This will help our bird friends recover more quickly so they can get back to their watery habitats!